Dear All,

Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!

In my capacity as a naturopath, I have had much experience with many women who were suffering multiple miscarriages and unaware that a little progesterone cream rubbed on twice a day can and does prevent this very traumatic complication of pregnancy.

Although there are multiple factors that may result in infertility and miscarriages, for some women the only reason may be that they are not producing enough progesterone at a most crucial time in a menstrual cycle or pregnancy. One of the most important roles of progesterone is to maintain a pregnancy after conception, so it is vital to steadily produce rising levels until full term, hence its name progesterone – progestation.

Increasing numbers of women have what is known as luteal phase dysfunction which means that they have very low levels of progesterone in the second half of the menstrual cycle, so any conception cannot be successful. For others, they may only produce enough during the first 8 weeks or a little longer, or the body’s levels are fluctuating too much and any significant drop in progesterone can lead to a miscarriage. For those who are prone to miscarriages, the logical answer therefore would be to supplement with natural progesterone consistently every day as soon as a pregnancy is established.

Please pass this information on to those who may benefit as it could be the only reason that they are having miscarriages, and they may otherwise never know why.

Here is a link to an article I came across a few years ago by Julie Cook. She and others share their experiences after using natural progesterone. Make sure to read the comments which offer even more testimonial to the benefits of using progesterone in pregnancy.

PubMed reference: Progesterone for preventing miscarriage

Private Facebook group ‘Progesterone Link Support Group Balancing Hormones Naturally’

My Private Facebook group started last September is going well. Why not join and see the many articles of interest and what others are experiencing with natural hormone therapy.

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